The shell mounds are real artificial islands, an important component of the Saloum delta. They consist of an artificial accumulation of shells and are also a refuge for flora and fauna, dominated by the majestic presence of the baobab.
The shell mounds are an exceptional landscape particular to the Saloum delta. You can find several types of shells there, such as Gryphea gafsar and Donax rugosus. Experts have identified 218 clusters spread over 96 different sites. In 28 of these 218 mounds, we can find burial mounds, considered to be the result of an accumulation of earth in the form of tombstones, dating from protohistoric times. These are funerary monuments built on the shell mounds. The burial mounds are easily recognizable by their sharp and precise contours which allows easier mapping.
These sites have been the subject of numerous excavations from 1939 to the present day. This research has made it possible to determine the age and history of each of the mounds and burial mounds, in addition to making an inventory and recognizing the cultural traditions. The researchers are mainly interested in the archaeological, paleoclimatic and archaeozoological aspects of this vestige located in a delta inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2011.
The collection of shells is also very widespread in the Saloum delta. If you wish, it is possible to practice this activity and even more with women from the community. Click here to learn more!